
My view on globalization

Nowadays.globalization has become the main trend of the world development,which also become one of the most hot topics among people,and it's natural for people to have different opinions.
Some people are in favor of globalization.On one hand ,they think ,with the help of globalization,it promotes the integration of the world ,especially in the economical field---the
emergence of worldwide production markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies.Besides,it offers more job opportunities for people ,which can not only improve the employment ,but can also contribute to social stability.On the other hand, for their part,it's well known that there exists many world problems ,such as global warming, terrorism,and the spread of invisive species,depends on the global cooperation and endeavorment.Globalization is a very ideal media to offer such a stage for different countries to deal with problems together.As a result ,globalization makes for a better plan for human development.Last but not least, they argue that at present,the United States has enjoyed a position of power among the world powers; in part because of its strong and wealthy economy. With the influence of Globalization,it is likely that the world power structure will change a lot,
meanwhile,China ,as well as the European Union, Russian Federation and India have been experiencing some tremendous growth within the past decades,they are much
given to be among the other already-established world powers that may have the ability to influence future world politics,thus making for the establishment of a harmonious world.
However,others think otherwise.They maintain that its impact on cultures ,in this case the Arabic culture,will lead to the disintegration of identity and the spirit of the culture.Besides,in a certain period of time,globalization have more negative effects on the world econnmy.For example,the serious financial crisis taking place in 2008 ,it is the globalization that to great extents,triggered the expansion of credit crisis.
On the whole ,as the saying goes ,every coin has two sides,not the exclusion of the globalization.As far as I am concerned ,the advantages of the globalization outweigh its disadvantages in that it contributes to the further communication among countries and calls for a peaceful and harmonious earth .

